I really enjoyed reading this and i agree with you especially on the privacy part. I thought i was just paranoid but i think it's important to have those boundaries with yourself to ensure your own safety. Thanks for this!

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Thank you so much! I often think I’m paranoid too but I’d rather be hyper-vigilant than naive.

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This.💯👏🏻 So well said. People have stopped appreciating privacy. It’s so much better than the small increments of dopamine you receive with social media posts. Privacy is what brings in true abundance, but people have been brainwashed to think it’s social media thag brings abundance.

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You are SO right! I’ve become so much more appreciative of my own life since tuning out of others’ and not parading mine around!

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The only outcome for tuning in to other people’s lives on socials is toxic comparison. So why even do it. I’ll never understand how ppl don’t use their logic and realize how ignorant they are being by living for posts and endless scrolling

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I so enjoyed reading this blog post! Very thought provoking and it makes you think about what really matters when sharing online and not comparing yourself to others on social media. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 😊 ♡

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Thank you so much Isabella!

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I’m an avid solo hiker and I only ever share after I’m home where I was (if at all). It’s just plain not worth the risk.

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You’re so right! I wish more people were aware of the dangers.

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Jul 17Liked by Soph Coombs

This is such an important read, and more relevant than ever! I feel as though we’re the guinea pigs when it comes to online safety, the first generation of people who have had to really learn to navigate the online realm when it comes to our privacy. Hopefully it starts being taught in schools or something because it deffo wasn’t when I was younger! Having said that, it probably wasn’t needed in the same way then. Yet another great read Soph! X

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Thank you so much for your comment Ella! You’re so right, we’re definitely the guinea pigs who are just figuring it out along the way. I really hope education around online safety improves!

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This article makes me re-evaluate the importance of my privacy. I've never shown the view from my house or the area I live in (because I'm paranoid af), but I love what you said about not giving your whole lifestyle and personhood away either. I think that's not nearly talked about enough. Not everything needs to be captured on film or photo, and it's something I'm still learning.

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Thank you so much! I think we all know the basic safety rules but social media can access much more of our privacy than just our location. Hope you find what’s right for you!🥰

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Really enjoyed reading this Soph! I’ve taken a few social media detoxes this year and it’s opened my eyes up to how reliant I was on it for entertainment through boredom, but also to how little I ‘need’ it in my day to day. I was (am?!) an OG fashion and lifestyle blogger from 2009 and sharing incessantly to Instagram had just become part and parcel of my everyday, but I’m learning how valuable and how much safer it is just to reserve my life for myself. I’m definitely on a steep learning curve!

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Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I’ve had the exact same realisation after taking a break from socials over Christmas. I don’t know how I used to get things done now I don’t have socials on my phone anymore!

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Jul 15Liked by Soph Coombs

I stopped posting on FB and IG in 2017 to focus on reading physical books and the immediate present; my mental health improved tremendously by getting offline and back into the real world.

Good on you Soph for your self awareness. As you’ve learned, connecting online doesn’t require sharing everything with everyone. You’ll often find those who are happiest don’t have the most friends or likes, but a handful of deeper and more intimate relationships.😁

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Thanks for sharing your experience Craig! I’m glad you’ve found a way to use social media in a way that’s good for your mental health.

You’re very right - I’m so glad I’ve found Substack where it’s so much more about substance than the amount of likes/subscribers!

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Jul 15Liked by Soph Coombs

This is great! I really, REALLY want to delete tiktok, but I struggle with letting go of the memories I have in my drafts over the years. The same thing with snapchat - I don't actually snapchat anyone anymore, but I have years of memories in there. If I think of it in a marketing mindset, they were smart to start these drafts and memories a few years ago. But if I think of it as a consumer who wants to stop consuming, I'm annoyed LOL

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Thank you Isabel! Yes, the drafts and archives have me in a chokehold 😭 I deleted my Snapchat years ago and I’m still mourning all my memories 🥲

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These are some really good points! I think social media is very tricky to navigate because for some people like those influencers you mentioned, it's their livelihood. And for others it's just a fun thing to pass time. I like to take breaks from time to time like you do. It reminds me to stay present and try not to spend too much time viewing instead of actually doing. :)

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You’re so right! I think you have to do whatever makes you happy but stay aware of the negative impact it can have. I’m totally with you - here’s to more presence!

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Jul 15Liked by Soph Coombs

So many important things!

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Thank you!

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deletedJul 17Liked by Soph Coombs
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I LOVE this comment Madeline, thank you so much for sharing it!

I don't have kids but if I ever do I will never share the things you've listed above. I think it's really cruel too and actually cringe when I see others plastering every moment of their child's life on socials - why is it so important to 'pimp' your kids out for attention?

Yessss, I deleted Instagram back in May and feel so much more fulfilled in my own life because of it! I was so sick of comparing myself to others!

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