Sep 4Liked by Soph Coombs

AHHHH I AM HERE FOR THE DOG CONTENT 🥹🥹 They are such sweethearts!!! If Maple smiled at me like that I think I would spontaneously combust. Find me someone who looks at me the way you look at Maple in that last pic 😭😭 just the cutest

Looks like you had a gorgeous time - that food!! You ate sooo good 😍😍 I've never been to Salcombe but we used to stay in Kingswear all the time when I was little. This piece triggered so many fond memories!

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Aren't they just the cutest?! You can imagine how miserable I was when I got home to my petless house 🥲 Maple is suuuuch a sweetheart and would definitely smile at you like that!

We had the best time thank you! Missing all that incred food this week lol. So glad it triggered some memories for you! I feel like every English child either spent summer holidays in Cornwall or Devon! We actually used to stay in a teeny village called Bigbury which is about 30 mins from Salcombe, and we paid it a visit en route which was lovely!

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Sep 5Liked by Soph Coombs

I bet!! I am eagerly awaiting the day I have someone fluffy to greet me at the door 🥹

It's a rite of passage isn't it? We went again last year and it was amazing to see how my little child sized brain managed to remember everything so vividly.

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Salcombe is one of my favourite places in the world so this was such a joy to read. gorgeous photos and words!! <3

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Aw thank you so much! It’s such a gorgeous spot and holds a very special place in my heart!

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Sep 11Liked by Soph Coombs

Biggell (sorry if I spelt his name wrong) is the absolute sweetest goldie! I find golden retrievers are the uniform of Salcombe, they are everywhere! I own one myself so I'm included in that fact and glad it is a thing. I feel like I never used to see retrievers anywhere years ago and now I'm always in awe at every single goldie I see. Loved this content and your little diary of Salcombe! <3

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You spelled it right! He’s the most gorgeous boy isn’t he 🥹 You’re so right, they’re everywhere in Salcombe and we spoke to sooo many people who’d had them in the past or had left theirs at home too! I always get SO excited when I see a goldie as well. They’re such a special dog ✨ What’s yours called?

Glad you enjoyed this piece too Ciara! 🫶

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Sep 11Liked by Soph Coombs

Aw it’s nice you feel the same way! Mine is called Teddy and he’s only 4 months old! We had one previously for 12 years named Daisy and she was so lovely too. But yes, in the puppy phase with Teddy and he is super cheeky but has so much personality! Very different having a boy one this time

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Oh my gosh I bet he’s absolutely adorable! Daisy sounds wonderful too 🫶 Biggell has always been an absolute gem and rarely sets a foot wrong, and Doughnut is super duper obedient, whereas Maple is fullll of personality and cheekiness just like Teddy so she’s super different to the boys 🤣

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I am in Golden Retriever heaven right now! I have an English Black Labrador Retriever and I love him dearly, but I’ve always had a soft spot for those beautiful, blonde Goldens! And the food! You’re speaking to my soul, girl! 🥰🐾

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Ahh thank you so much! I adore all dogs but there’s just something about a Goldie!! 🥰

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Oh gosh the dogs! There should be more dogs on Substack.

Looks like you had a lovely break. I've only been to Totnes (very much recommend the Bull Inn if you haven't been) and Dartmouth so need to travel a little further to Salcombe next time!

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Oh thank you so much! Any excuse to share dog pics 🫶

We had a fab time thank you! I’ve not been to Totnes so may have to pay it a visit. Let me know if you do head to Salcombe as I have lots of recommendations for nearby spots and things to do/places to eat!

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Oh my goodness!!!! These doggie photos are just toooo cute, really brightened up my cloudy day up here in Scotland 😍🥹 Looks like you had a lovely holiday with lots of sunshine! I also love your new logo... it is new isn't it!? 💕

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Aww thank you!! 🥹 Sorry if I’ve asked this before but whereabouts in Scotland are you? I adore it up there!

We had a fab holiday! And thank you so much for noticing the new logo, it is indeed a switch up 🥰🥰

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Soph Coombs

No problem! I am up near Inverness, right at the top! It is lovely up here, lots of lovely beaches. Though I have not got quite used to the cold yet, especially since I have just got back from sunny Southern France 😂🥶

It looks so nice, I love the colours and font! 💕

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Oh wow!! I’d love to pay Inverness a visit someday. My boyfriend has family near Dundee so we regularly make the drive! I bet it’s freezing at the minute 🤣 The first time I visited was in December a few years ago and I’d not packed appropriately, I’ve never known cold like it 😂😂

Aww thank you!! So glad you like it 🥰

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Wow, what a small world!?! And yes, it is pretty cold here and it has been very misty this week. I have lots of blankets on my bed now... Summer has definitely gone! 😂

Inverness is very nice, lots of lovely bookshops and the countryside round here is so peaceful. 😊♡

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Love this vacation photo bombing! Looks like you had a great week! And the dog-pics...omg forgive me for saving some of them.

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Oh thank you so much! We had the best week 🥹

You are forgiven! They’re a little happy boost when you need it 🫶

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