Aug 13Liked by Soph Coombs

Soph this made me well up! When I lost my grandma it was the dullest ache. Having someone there to support you through that grief is vital, and Aidan sounds like a real gem. Even now, I feel like I have conversations with my grandma in my head, she's so ingrained in me that it's like I know exactly what she'd say and think. They leave part of themselves behind in us! I think that's such a wonderful thing. I know it's only Tuesday but this is my favourite thing I've read this week. Thanks so much for being vulnerable Soph!

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Oh thank you so much Ella! Grief is such a horrid thing but I'm so glad you still feel your grandma with you - mine's definitely right by my side!

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Aug 13Liked by Soph Coombs

I feel your love for both of them in your writing and in your comment ❤️ and thank you as well for your kind words. I too am so lucky to be loved :)

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What a beautiful tribute to the people you love, Soph. It's so special that you and your grandma considered each other as friends.

Congratulations on four years with your best friend! I celebrated the same milestone with my husband yesterday! After a month of dating, my dad was diagnosed with a terminal illness. I felt like my husband was sent to me at that specific time to be my rock.

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Thank you so much Cha 🫶

I'm so glad your husband was brought to you in your time of need. I don't know what I'd have done without Aid, and it sounds like you felt the same! Congratulations on your anniversary too.

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This was a lovely tribute. Your grandma sounds like a wonderful person.

And it reminds me of my Nana, who passed away of Alzheimer’s in 2021. It was a very specific, adoring kind of love that I lost, and I miss her all the time. I had a very similar experience where my boyfriend only got to meet her once in her assisted living facility before covid lockdowns. I’m so sad he never got to know the real her, before her illness. Grandmother love is such a beautiful thing. Wishing you a beautiful August.

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Thank you so much Rose, she was an incredible woman 🥰

Thank you for sharing your experience too. You're right, grandmother love is so precious. I'm sorry your boyfriend didn't get to meet your Nana sooner - that's such a shame.

Wishing you a beautiful August too 🫶

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Such a beautiful blog post about loss and love, I am sorry to hear about your Grandmother. I lost my Grandma and my cousin very close together back in 2021, so I understand a bit about your loss. Thank you for sharing! 😊♡

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Thank you so much Isabella! I’m so sorry for your losses, grief is a horrid thing ❤️

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Thank you Soph 🤗💕

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The way you described your Grandma made me want to get to know her. I'm so sorry for your loss and i pray you are always surrounded by such precious love.

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Oh thank you so much, this is such a lovely comment 🥹 I am so lucky to have known her 🥰

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Aug 12Liked by Soph Coombs

What a beautiful piece to read. Your grandma sounds like an incredible woman, and Aidan a wonderful man. This was a sweet tribute to them both. I love how you mentioned that you're one of 7 grandkids, but you never felt like that....isn't it awesome when we can be loved so much?

Yesterday, I received news that my brother is in the mental hospital after a suicide attempt. I spent the day trying to contact the infuriating hospital,getting nowhere, crying, and raging. And through it all, my partner held me as Aiden did you: treated me like a petal, as you put it. Just let me feel. I physically couldn't even speak to him because I was in shock. Anyway, reading this was a beautiful reminder to cherish the people we love.

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Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Niki. They are both incredible people and I'm very lucky to know/have known them. I never, ever felt like one of seven and I think each of us could argue we were the favourite, she made all of us feel that special.

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Mental health can be a horrible thing at times, and I hope you're taking care of yourself during such a tough time too. It's lovely to hear your partner is treating you just like Aid did for me, it definitely makes things easier. We have a saying that we don't do things 50/50, we do things 100% split between us - at super tough times the other will pick up more slack, and it seems like your partner is doing just that too 🤍

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Oh Soph, this made me cry. Thank you for sharing this beautiful love letter to your grandma and lovely Aiden! I feel like we have led parallel lives: my partner and I started dating in July 2021, and in the August, his nan passed away. I remember being full of cold, sat in a dressing gown on my sofa, and he came round with a bag of supplies, a bunch of flowers, and the news that his nan had died. The way that he was still thinking about me even though something so heartbreaking had just happened honestly blew me away and all I wanted to do was hold him and support him through his grief.

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Thank you for your lovely comment Lauren and for sharing your experience too. Your partner sounds like a complete and utter sweetheart ❤️

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deletedAug 13Liked by Soph Coombs
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Thank you so much for your lovely comment Madeline! You're right, it's something you never get over but instead just learn to 'live with'. Hope you're having a good week 🫶

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